Tuesday 28 December 2021

Awake and Non-Awake (Censored by Youtube)

 Monday 27th December 2021, Youtube removed the show, claiming it was "Medical Misinformation!" Interesting as we didn't mention anything about William's Toxic Arm Brew? We were looking at analysis of how people think! I didn't know Youtube staff were trained in medicine?  They gave me a seven day ban. I've managed to load a copy of the show onto my Bitchute channel, please see link below. Next Monday's show will go out as normal but on a different platform. I will update everyone about the change prior to the show. 

Censorship is the last bastion of tyrants. Truth is pure but lies can only survive with censorship. This may sound odd, but excessive censorship is a sign the elites are panicking, in that sense it's a good sign! 

My Bitchute Channel is:  


Saturday 4 September 2021

Titanic Lie!

Those who control the money often control the narrative especially when it involves their fraudulent activities.

 A major news agency that mainstream media obtain their "News" from is owned by a major banking family. Hence all mainstream "News" looks the same! Hollywood and the majority if not all major film outlets are also dictated to by the same money suppliers. 

Therefore our view of historical events is often shaped by a super rich minority who tell you what they want you to believe but not necessarily the truth. If the truth be known, it would end the elites stranglehold on society overnight! 

Our view of the sinking of the Titanic is a typical example. It has been shaped by the film industry and reports of that time that have deliberately been remiss of key facts. Remember super rich elite can easily pay to have their version of events promulgated to the masses, but their version isn't the full truth! If it were, the elites empire would fall.

Saturday 28 August 2021

Surviving the Psychopaths' Playground!

In a world run by psychopaths, almost anything nasty can happen and it often does! The brainwashed that believe the psychopaths' mantra are usually the first to succumb to psycho madness. The wise, who can see through the façade, will have a series of pre-prepared survival strategies. 

Tonight Author John Hamer and Eric von Essex are joined by a mystery guest. An expert on prepping and survival. A show not to be missed if want to survive the current madness!

Monday 23 August 2021

The Fear Peddlers!

Using rhyming slang etc., in an endeavour to navigate safely through the rapids of mass censorship, Author John Hamer and Eric von Essex will endeavour to explore decades of fear peddlers and how they have skilfully managed control the masses behaviour and thought patterns.

The strange fact is the fear is nearly always invisible. Be it naughty Germans in 1914 who were going to rape our women and kill our children through to naughty Russians who were going to incinerate us during the Cold War. 

After the Cold War we had naughty Middle Eastern men dressed in bed sheets who were going to commit mass carnage. 

Now we have a naughty invisible germ that floats around desperate to cause mayhem in our body. Isn't it amazing how one fear ceases and another one starts; they don't seem to overlap?

Maybe what we should fear the most is "The Fear Peddlers!"

Sunday 15 August 2021

Tuesday 10 August 2021

The Naughty Show - Terrain Theory.

Today Eric Von Essex is joined by Author John Hamer on "The Naughty Show" where we speak more openly than we could on crap-tube or arse-about-face book! Today John talks about how most of modern so-called medicine is nothing more than a money making con to make big pharma super rich. Please tap the following link to Eric Von Essex Bitchute Channel.

Monday 9 August 2021

Controlled Reality!

Things that make strange noises in the night may not be due to the strong curry eaten before going to bed! Tonight Eric von Essex has two fascinating and enlightening guests. Colin, a Paranormal Investigator and Author John Hamer. A show not to be missed!

Friday 30 July 2021

Censored - There's something mysterious going on!

What on earth is going on? Please join Deborah Hatswell, John Hamer and Eric von Essex for another opening of hidden factual evidence and revelation of an official ongoing deliberate disinformation campaign!

Sunday 25 July 2021


Please join John Hamer and Eric von Essex for an unusual and groundbreaking show at 8:00pm (UK Time) on Monday 26 July. There's a clue in the title regarding the show's content. You don't have to understand Morse code but a little historical knowledge of around eighty years ago will help!

Monday 19 July 2021


 Please join John Hamer and Eric von Essex for a show with a difference. The chatroom will decide the topic!

Monday 12 July 2021

UK Bigfoot, an explosion of sightings!

 Instead of watching "Foul Bowels Boris" and Chris Whitty the titty mask-debating on TV. Why not switch off your propaganda machine (TV) and switch onto this show. It's far more interesting!  

Monday 5 July 2021

The 1666 Great Fire of London Fraud!

Interpretation of history isn't necessarily what happened but usually what a minority in control want you to believe! 

Eric von Essex guests are Professor Gloria Moss PhD and Author, John Hamer. 

We will be looking at the 1666 Great Fire of London historical cover-up and its implications today!

Monday 28 June 2021

Bigfoot, more common than you think!

As the title is "Bigfoot" we WON'T be talking about grannies bunions nor corn plasters! Instead we will be talking to an American Academic, Paul, who has had first hand experience of bigfoot on several occasions!

Monday 21 June 2021

Make-Believe Icons!

 We have to talk about the problem with Bill! 

Not the William of the "Bill and Menopausal Psycho Foundation" but the other one! The Bloke  who supposedly wrote plays to enable future generations of "Luvvies" to over act and get away with it!  Did the geezer in the photograph really write a host of things or was he a semi-literate ding-dong used for an Elizabethan PSYOP?  You decide! 

Monday 21 June 2021 at 8:00pm (UK Time), live on Eric von Essex youtube channel,  Author John Hamer will reveal the evidence behind the Shakespeare myth! To be or not to be, if thou could kindly share this announcement and lend us your ears by joining us live!

Monday 7 June 2021

NHS sharing your medical records with outside agencies.

The NHS will soon be sharing your medical records with outside agencies. You can opt-out of this but the NHS has made locating the online opt-out details difficult to find. Thanks to Gillian whose perseverance won through please follow the link below that will save you considerable time trying to find the information. Opt-out forms can be sent digitally or by downloading and sending via conventional snail mail.



Monday 31 May 2021

A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to Humanity!


No, the photo in the title isn't depicting the "Randy Eyeful Nudist Colony" although it could be! Joking aside, John Hamer joins Eric von Essex for another ground-breaking show. This week John talks about Darwin’s Evolution that's as scientifically provable as William Gates medical qualifications!

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Roll up, roll up for the greatest show on earth!


What did the moon landing hoax teach us and what are its world wide implications? Firstly it showed us the public are easily fooled and secondly many scientists fall into "The King's New Clothes Syndrome." This is where scientists go along with a political agenda fearing ridicule if they step out of line! They also fear losing funding, money is always used as an incentive to toe the line!

Looking back through history, the "Wolf Pack Syndrome" mentality whereby the masses rigidly follow the directive of a minority in high office has often brought civilization to its knees. The mass genocides of Stalin's former Soviet Union and Mao's China would have been impossible to implement without "Wolf Pack Syndrome" and "King's New Clothes Syndrome" amongst academics/scientists.

In my view, we are seeing "Wolf Pack Syndrome" and "Kings New Clothes Syndrome" being used extensively to terrify everyone into compliance with the current seasonal f1u being hyped beyond all proportions to bring about a totalitarian political agenda. As with the supposed moon landings and the current seasonal f1u hypochondria, you can present the masses with overwhelming evidence that they have and are being lied to but they will dismiss the facts in favour of the myths! As Mark Twain once said: “It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.

Monday 10 May 2021

Houston we've got a problem!

The amazing story of how three contortionists (they had to be in order to get into bulky space suits in a confined space) went to the moon! How they defied the laws of physics, throwing up moon dust on a moon buggy without causing a massive dust cloud!

How did the batteries tolerate freezing temperatures? How did they manage to get studio lighting to the moon in order to produce near perfect backlit photos?

Live coverage from the moon in the days when it took a fleet of vehicles to get a live television broadcast from Barnsley to London! Jaw dropping stuff eh!

Now, how on earth did they lose all the scientific data on how they did it! Sniff sniff, can you smell something? Is it cats? Dogs? No it's bovine excrement! John Hamer, Shannon (in America) and Eric von Essex question if NASA should really stand for National Association of Space Actors lol!

Sunday 2 May 2021

Uglyness is the new normal!

I miss those days, about fifty plus years ago, when people were normal. The above photo was taken in 1969. Notice how slim and healthy everyone looked.

Sadly ugliness is now the new beauty thanks to decades of ideological subversion causing, in my view, a form of mind fog. Also people nowadays have had all forms of self respect drained out of them, hence so many are obsessed with telling everyone about their sex lives.

Minority and so called oppressed groups are hyped up and people are made to feel guilty for something they haven't done! Also the destruction of pride and culture; replaced with fake pride and fake culture along with imposed communities (mass rabbit hutch housing) run by change agents. Again, it's all part of Ideological Subversion to psychologically destroy the individual and make them a slave of the state.

The West LOST the Cold War without a shot being fired. Over the years the slow creep of communism has slowly infected society whilst people are distracted by deliberate news/information misdirection. The communism we have today is nothing whatsoever to do with the former Soviet Union or modern day Russia. It stems from the former Frankfurt School that was booted out of Germany in the 1930's and welcomed into America with open arms. From thereon the Frankfurt School spread its evil tentacles into our education systems throughout the west and beyond. The psychopaths we have in power today is the result of a corrupted education system.


Tuesday 20 April 2021

Fake Green V Real Green!

In my view, the global warming hoax, an integral part of the fake green agenda, is a misdirection to hide a population reduction plan, UN Agenda 2030. This along with the current promulgation of mass hypochondria so as to subdue the masses is designed to hide the obvious.

The entire agenda is based upon fake science and creative statistics that are easy to see, but the power of propaganda overrides logic. It's the Kings new clothes syndrome whereby real scientists often remain silent or go along with the agenda fearing financial ruin and/or public humiliation if they go against the trend.

The power of the elite's money that's fuelling the agenda is an example where wealth is more powerful than real science! Where it's possible to buy an outcome that's in the elite's financial interests.

Humans are carbon and they now talk about zero carbon within ten years. In my view, that's a euphemism for massive population reduction, a hidden genocide! Mass media propaganda is extremely powerful. People are controlled by fear, not logic! The masses are now falling over themselves to have a DNA altering substance shot into their arm to protect themselves from a fake epidemic that real statistics, from the Office of National Statistics, proves doesn't exist! The companies producing the substance are NOT liable if anything goes wrong and admit it's a trial and the outcome is unknown!

The masses have been brainwashed to fear a strain of f1u that has mutated for years but suddenly, due to fake analysis, is deadly; it always has been! We are now brainwashed to fear the environment that humans are supposed to be destroying due to using fossil fuels, which is debatable. It is questionable if oil is a fossil fuel considering oil fields have been known to refill and it is believed the earth replenishes itself with oil which is carbon based. The temperature of the earth, due to CO2 is supposed to be on the rise, but real evidence and real science is showing the earth is getting colder, which is part of a natural cycle and nothing to worry about. Regarding CO2, it was warmer when the Romans invaded Britain than now! Maybe that was due to the Romans drinking gassy beer! lol

The climate has been changing since the year dot. There's a huge difference between stopping pollution, real green, which is in everyone's interests and fake green which is in the financial elite's interests. In reality fake green causes more environmental destruction than anything else! Silly windmills that are a wildlife hazard. Ridiculous electric vehicles with lithium batteries that are causing damage to the environment due to massive lithium mines. The list goes on but such stupidity is hidden behind a wall of fear hyped up by skilful propaganda.

Coal and oil powered power stations did pollute but modern technology has made them very clean. There's hardly any, if any, pollution from them nowadays. The technology of a conventional power station is cheap and relatively simple to maintain. Modern technology has also made them much more efficient whereby they burn less fuel. All that technology is due to be binned forever in favour of ridiculous almost laughable means of power generation. The fake green "Renewable" and so-called "Sustainable" power generation using silly windmills etc., creates more hidden pollution in production and hidden environmental impact and doesn't come close to providing modern power requirements.

The environmental hazards of the fake green agenda are now polluting the minds of local politicians who have got on the bandwagon. I recently had a local election leaflet through my letterbox. Probably one of the most terrifying political leaflets I've ever seen! Behind the glossy literature lay the communist agenda that's hidden in plain view for those who can see it but sadly few can see it or want to see it!

Apparently our local political candidate wants the area to be carbon neutral within ten years and to help halt climate change. If confronted with real science that shows the environment continues to go through a natural process and there's nothing to worry about, that candidate would be the laughingstock! I guess the candidate thinks of himself as another King Canute who sat on his throne in front of the sea and ordered the tide not to come in! lol

Monday 19 April 2021

The Falsification of Climate Science.

 What is "Carbon Neutral" a euphemism for?  What has "William's Special Arm Brew" and the climate fear extravaganza got in common? To find out why not tune into John Hamer and Eric von Essex. Monday, 19th April 2021, live on youtube at 8:00pm (UK Time).

Monday 12 April 2021

 Tonight, John Hamer is my guest for Part Two. This week we will be covering, "The Falsification of Science!" We will be going live at 8:00pm (UK Time). so please join us.


Friday 9 April 2021

Caroline Stephens Thirty Day Facebook Ban + News Update.


Caroline Stephens Facebook Ban.

Caroline has been banned for thirty days from Facebook. She apparently "breached guidelines" for pasting information that is readily available in the public domain. 

Initially she got a three day ban for showing the "K0r0na V1rus Patent" that was cut and pasted from Google!

She then mentioned Dr Coleman's Transvestite book, "Men in Bras, Panties and Dresses!" Questioning, in her opinion, with evidence that there's every possibility Dr Coleman allegedly may be controlled opposition.

Facebook accused Caroline of "Hate Speech" regarding Dr Coleman. They then lumped her three day ban, that had been and gone, in with her Dr Coleman ban to make it a thirty day ban!

Future Program News.

Saturday 10th April 2021. Caroline Stephens, John Hamer and myself plan a live show at 7:00pm (UK Time). We cannot do the show via youtube or Facebook as what we have to say is too controversial. I'm currently looking at other platforms, such as GAB TV and a Russian equivalent to youtube called "VK" At the moment I'm still looking into those options.  Whatever happens the show will be recorded and downloaded to my Odysee channel. 

 Monday 12th April 2021. I will do my usual "Eric von Essex" show live on youtube at 8:00pm (UK Time) with guest John Hamer. Show title: "The Falsification of Science."

Wednesday 14th April 2021. "Over the Rainbow Part 9" with Caroline Stephens and Eric von Essex at 6:00pm (UK Time). Currently trying to find a platform where we can broadcast live as what we say is too controversial for youtube and Facebook. As usual the show will be recorded and downloaded to my Odysee channel.   

For link to my Odysee channel, please see: www.fockhamhallradio.com

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Over the Rainbow Part 8. Show can now be viewed on Odysee.

The following link is to Caroline Stephens and Eric von Essex ground-breaking live show on Facebook at 6:00pm Wednesday 7 April 2021. Recorded and loaded onto Odysee. 


Truth Suppression!


In my view, youtube threatening to ban me by not allowing me to post anything if I go against their "Community Standards," whatever they are, highlights how desperate they are to suppress the truth! Truth doesn't need censorship, only lies do! I'm still on youtube on my live Monday show where I'm very careful what I say!

Also Bitchute have censored me. They no longer accept my video's!

Of course not forgetting "Brand New Tube" who have kindly wiped all my video's off their channel except two very old ones. Also when loading video's up to their channel, they go into infinity, never to be seen again!

Fear not though there's a light at the end of the tunnel called Odysee! Yippee you can view last Wednesday's show there. Here is the link: https://odysee.com/@ericvonessex:7/31321carolinechrisa:b

Friday 2 April 2021

The Falsification of History

 Please make a note in your diaries and join John Hamer and myself for what will be a fascinating and informative show. Please tell others, many thanks.

Thursday 1 April 2021

Over the Rainbow Part 7

Last Night (Wednesday 31 March 2021) I managed to upload Caroline Stephens and Eric von Essex Show to Bitchute. At the time of writing this it was 14 hours ago! Since then the video is "Still being processed" by Bitchute? Just hope it will be available for viewing soon. Please check the following link to Bitchute: Over the Rainbow Part 7 

When the NHS was founded in 1948, decades/centuries of well proven cheap natural remedies were binned along with well documented data. Instead, the big pharma Mafia with their mega expensive unproven synthetic conceptions were given free rein to use the NHS as a cash cow!

The early years saw the population get fitter but only for a short time until around the mid 1950's when the health of the nation went into decline. There are other factors involved in the decline in health including the rise in convenience food. Synthetic food and a general decline in the vitamin content of our food. Along with this has been the rise of cancerogenic chemicals in plastics etc., that are used in food and drink containers. Also lack of exercise and massive rise in obesity, due to rise in junk food, a contributing factor along with changed lifestyles since the 1950's.

Above all though the decline in health has been allowed to happen whilst the religious worship of expensive synthetic big pharma conceptions that prolong suffering but don't cure are extensively promoted. To me it all adds up to planned euthanasia via the backdoor, a political misdirection, whilst making a quick buck along the way for the synthetic muck producers!

Political Misdirection!

The moon landings were the most expensive sci-fi films ever made! In my view the fake landings were a diversion to prove American might in the face of military defeat in Vietnam at the time! It's strange the moon landing extravaganza ran out of steam precisely at the same time that America militarily abandoned South Vietnam in the early 1970's. Nowadays the so-called moon landings don't stand up to real scientific scrutiny.  

There are parallels between the current fake-demic fooling so-called "Professionals" and so-called scientists still promulgating the idea that humans landed on the moon. It's the kings new clothes! People go along with the myth, despite counter-evidence, as they fear standing out from the crowd. Being mocked as being a conspiracy nut, a loony etc., are all signs of a cover up as truth does not fear investigation, only lies do!   

Misdirection to move public attention away from failure or an unpleasant political agenda and towards a skilfully concocted lie isn't new!   

A late friend of mine, Robert Newman, studied Mozart. He discovered Mozart was hyped up as a genius when in reality his music was copied and written by other composers! The reason why he was hyped was due to Astro-Hungarian Empire military defeats. The Empire needed a diversion to move public attention away from its military failures and in favour of making it look great! 

In my view the fake moon landings were history repeating itself! Please see "The Mozart Myth" at the bottom of the following page: http://fockhamhallradio.com/page8.html

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Censorship creates a counter action!

We have a tough enemy but tough enemies build tough resistance!

During WWII the 101 Airborne division had some of the toughest assignments, often completely cut off and surrounded by the enemy. They became good, very good and very tough as they had the worst assignments.

A calm sea never made a good captain. In my profession I was freelance. You got some of the toughest contracts and often the worst clients and on some projects worked against all the odds. What that did is toughen you up and made you exceptionally experienced in a short time. Eventually once proven to work in such situations and handle it, the phone often didn't stop ringing. In fact sometimes you could pick and choose what projects to work on and demand a good fee!

Toughness and hardships isn't always a bad thing hence reason I'm optimistic. If you want to popularise something, censor it. By censoring free speech the authorities are metaphorically shooting themselves in the foot! Already people are beginning to question and become inquisitive, why, because of censorship. Yes, at the moment it's a small group of people but it's growing. I think the NWO is like the little boy who cried wolf. They have done it too often and it's wearing off. I've noticed people are beginning to rebel. Yes, it's hardly a whimper at the moment but give it time!

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Official Narrative Preachers and Churchill Worshippers!

I find it fascinating and sometimes amusing when people spout the official narrative as if they are a leading authority on a subject that in reality they know sod all about! They duplicate what the ruling minority want the masses to believe. 

A typical example is the current fake-demic. We now have self-righteous ding-dongs prancing around telling everyone what to do! Walk into a shop without wearing a twat mask, as I do, and I'm often treated like some anti-social non-person. People shield themselves from me because I'm not wearing a stupid mask. In reality it should be the other way around. Twats prancing around with a bacteria breeding cloth over their mouths are causing serious problems. Lack of oxygen to the brain along with bacterial pneumonia to name but a few. We now have ding-dongs driving alone in their cars wearing these facial sanitary masks! The lack of oxygen to their brain may well be causing all manner of accidents!  

Another example of where "Official Narrative Preachers" excel in their stupidity is World War Two where the propaganda of those years is still rigidly believed to this day!

Both my late parents went through WWII. My Dad was amongst the first assault wave in 1944, D-Day on Gold Beach, Jig Section. My mother lived near an industrial area during the blitz. Despite the propaganda then and post war to today, they both hated Churchill and many people did.

Just scratch below the propaganda and it reveals Churchill was not only a psychopath but completely incompetent. He was a puppet to the City of London who paid off his debts to the sum of £19500 before the war. Sadly the World War Two propaganda surrounding that evil man is still believed today along with the Hollywood version of that war. Why Britain made an excuse to involve itself in World War Two, due to German invasion of Poland, is unclear until understanding usury. World War Two was really fought for and on behalf of the Banksters who feared Germany abolishing usury would reverberate around the world. It also explains why the mass extermination of around 40 to 60 million (nobody knows the real figure) in former Soviet Union slave labour camps is kept low key.

History isn't necessarily what happened, it's usually what a minority in power want the masses to believe! People readily believe the official narrative and become emotionally obsessed with promulgating what the ruling minority want them to believe. My late Father often came across the "Official Narrative Preachers" who told him all about front line battle even though they had never been to war and he had! What we learn from history is that we DON'T learn from history!

Gremlins during first few minutes of Monday's live show!

Last night's show the Internet went strange for the first few minutes so please stick with it, it sorts itself out! The show consisted of the usual smut and filthy jokes along with some jolly interesting information! Including the Chris Whitty joke although many people say he is already a joke, a sick one!

Please share before "Puke"-tube remove this, give me a smack and tell me I'm a naughty boy because I've upset someone whose full time occupation is to censor anything related to truth!

Monday 29 March 2021

Naughty NAZ1's Misdirection Syndrome!

 Quick update. Tonight, live at 8:00pm (UK Time)! Please tune in for regular toilet humour, smut and above all interesting information! 

Establishment Pied Pipers!

Farage or "Fart-arse" as I call him is, in my view, a Pied Piper. He initially entices people by telling them what they want to hear. Once enticed he leads them down the establishment road to hell! Little Tommy Tucker from Luton, who pranced around displaying the flag of a country we are not allowed to criticize, did the same and it may have misfired? What's happened to him?

So called "Celebrities" are doing similar. Getting a following then leading their flock down the path to establishment hell. Often these so called "Celebrities" lack talent but are hyped up as being exceptional. How did they get where they are with such little talent? Could it be a case of, "Get rich and famous providing you do what we say?"

Apparently the Mafia would carry out their own version of the law on behalf of a victim. But there were strings attached. The victim who the Mafia carried out a task for would then forever be under their rule and would have to do what they say or else! The Mafia has many guises and we know the criminal underworld operate in political, entertainment and industrial circles. To what extent is debatable.

I question how an actor that doesn't act but is himself in every part get's a lucky break? A pub pianist whose average hitting the big time also springs to mind. I'm NOT accusing but the word "Blackmailable" instantly springs to mind. Those in the limelight often have a dark side to their life, again I'm NOT accusing as I lack evidence. Could it be a case of, "You do what we tell you or we will air your dirty laundry in public?"

Saturday 27 March 2021

The "Joys" of NOT wearing an obedience muzzle when shopping!


Since the beginning of the fake-demic, last year, I have NOT worn a facial sanitary towel. In fact I don't have one and don't want one. I've made my own sarcastic "Exemption" card that at first glance looks OK. In small letters at the top of the card it says: "Obedience Muzzle Ritual." Then in large capitals it says "Exempt." Then in small letters below it says, "Exempt from loony deprivation rituals!"

In addition to the harmful effects of breathing in your own CO2, it's the perfect way of catching bacterial pneumonia! Additionally I have no desire to breath in harmful carcinogenic fibers from official masks. Nor create a perfect breeding ground for my and other peoples' bacteria! An experiment was carried out in 1980 whereby surgeons did operations without masks. It was found it made no difference.

Whilst in Tesco's NOT wearing a facial sanitary towel I reached for my handkerchief to blow my nose! I now know what it must have felt like to be a leper! People moved away as if I were unclean. Perhaps I should have rang a bell at the same time shouting "Not wearing a facial sanitary towel and also have a snotty nose!"

I've found not wearing a sanitary towel over my mouth and having a snotty nose is a great way to get to the bargains! People throw themselves out of your way. I'm beginning to feel like royalty! lol Please checkout my website on: www.fockhamhallradio.com

Spotting Controlled Opposition.

The way I smell a rat is controlled opposition always compare things to the nasty NAZ1's. No mention of how society is being led down the communist road. Neither any mention of the former Soviet Union's genocide of an estimated forty to sixty million mainly Christians. Nobody knows the exact figure some say around one hundred million were exterminated.

The silence is deafening, but still the nasty NAZ1 comparisons go on and on like a long playing record that's stuck in the groove. I'm NOT denying the nasty NAZ1's committed atrocities, but so did the allies! Neither am I praising the nasty NAZ1's, I'm just getting things into perspective.

We should be presented with a real view of history instead of a selective one for political and financial purposes. The lucrative political view of history, peddled by Hollywood, now aided by controlled opposition, fits in neatly as a distraction from reality.

Controlled opposition have now taken over from Hollywood to peddle the nasty NAZ1 narrative that was once used for lucrative and political reasons. It is now designed to turn peoples' attention away from back door communism that's staring us in the face!

David Icke - useful to controlled opposition?

In my view David is the "Court Jester" without the humour. He has and continues to be used but I get the feeling he doesn't realise it or maybe doesn't want to realise it. He states a lot of extremely poignant truths but then looses the plot. For example, before meeting Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa who allegedly had connections to the CIA, what David Icke said was logical. Then Icke looses the plot waffling on about prominent people shape shifting.

The point I'm getting at is David Icke is very useful to the controlled opposition brigade. I think, deep down, he is a good man. The controlled opposition are psychopaths (NOT David Icke). Whenever a psychopath's plot is revealed, they always accuse the accuser of being mentally ill, a loony! Psychopaths are also obsessed with collectivism, that they control, and pigeon holing everyone into "Communities." Therefore anyone who follows David Icke can easily (wrongly) be pigeon holed as an outrageous conspiracy theorist and loony! David had to be made to look like the loony first, hence he was easily allowed onto the mass controlled media.

I question if the CIA or UK Secret Service may have had something to do with him looking as if he were drugged or hypnotised when he appeared on Wogan? He was wearing a purple tracksuit and speaking as if he wasn't the full ticket! I haven't any evidence to support my observation but it would add up.

Friday 26 March 2021

Hyper inflation and possible food shortages.

Governments are now obsessed with collectivism which historically always leads to food shortages. Photo is of the Soviet famine of 1932 to 33. 

In my view, the current pantomime-demic is nothing more than seasonal f1u hyped up to hide a financial reset. Governments couldn't announce they want to euthanize the masses via a fake-demic so as to introduce world communism. There would be mass outrage so it all has to be done via cloak and mirrors!

Those of us with functioning brains that can see through the over the top mass propaganda realize food shortages may be on the horizon so it's wise to stock up.

Rice and pasta can last for over thirty years if correctly stored. Tinned food, except tinned tomatoes is also OK long after its expiry date. The reason tinned tomatoes are a no no is because the acid in the tomatoes apparently, over time, reacts with the inside of the tin.
I don't store bottled water for two reasons. firstly I don't like drinking water out of plastic and secondly it wouldn't last long! It's surprising how much water we consume in a day! Hence reason I've gone for stocking up on water filters and rain water storage. For drinking water my plan is to firstly filter the water using a home made sand, gravel and charcoal filter. Then boil it and finally run it through a Britta filter. Or the other way around. Britta filter then boil it! For washing, the sand, gravel and charcoal filter would be fine.

Have also made a thermal cooker and a solar cooker, although usage of a solar cooker in the UK would be limited! The reason for the solar cooker is I believe the price of electricity will soon be astronomical. Because of the fake green nonsense, they are closing coal fired power stations and relying on stupid "reusable" energy that's pure cloud cuckoo land thinking! It's causing more pollution but adheres to a deranged communist political ideology.
A thermal cooker is great for cooking potatoes as it only takes a few minutes of energy to initially heat them up on the stove. Thereafter they are cooked to perfection in the thermal cooker after about three hours. Same with carrots and other root vegetables. Pasta also cooks well in the thermal cooker; it takes about half an hour. You heat the thermal cooker up with boiling water from the kettle. After 10 mins empty the water back into the kettle and add the pasta to the thermal cooker. Then pour boiling water, from the kettle, over the pasta and seal the thermal cooker! It's super simple and tastes better!

With some forward planning food storage will buy you time to plan and hopefully give you essential supplies until you can grow your own food.

Airbrushing history of the immediate aftermath of WWII

Churchill wanted the entire German race eradicated in 1945! If it were not for the Soviet threat, Germany would have been left as a wasteland. The only reason Germany was spared after 1945 was due to military reasons, nothing to do with humanity. 

Rationing in the UK was more severe after WWII than during the war as grain was diverted to Germany! The USA in 1945 also initially wanted to wipe out the German race hence Eisenhower's hidden genocide of German POW's and throwing German families out of their homes. The immediate post-war period in Germany has been airbrushed from history and replaced with a makeover that suits the official narrative!

News Update

Friday 26th March 2021.

Caroline Stephens and Eric von Essex show that was recorded on Wednesday 24th March 2021 is now available to view on Bitchute. https://www.bitchute.com/video/NT2uBD0a4ZCy/