Tuesday 20 April 2021

Fake Green V Real Green!

In my view, the global warming hoax, an integral part of the fake green agenda, is a misdirection to hide a population reduction plan, UN Agenda 2030. This along with the current promulgation of mass hypochondria so as to subdue the masses is designed to hide the obvious.

The entire agenda is based upon fake science and creative statistics that are easy to see, but the power of propaganda overrides logic. It's the Kings new clothes syndrome whereby real scientists often remain silent or go along with the agenda fearing financial ruin and/or public humiliation if they go against the trend.

The power of the elite's money that's fuelling the agenda is an example where wealth is more powerful than real science! Where it's possible to buy an outcome that's in the elite's financial interests.

Humans are carbon and they now talk about zero carbon within ten years. In my view, that's a euphemism for massive population reduction, a hidden genocide! Mass media propaganda is extremely powerful. People are controlled by fear, not logic! The masses are now falling over themselves to have a DNA altering substance shot into their arm to protect themselves from a fake epidemic that real statistics, from the Office of National Statistics, proves doesn't exist! The companies producing the substance are NOT liable if anything goes wrong and admit it's a trial and the outcome is unknown!

The masses have been brainwashed to fear a strain of f1u that has mutated for years but suddenly, due to fake analysis, is deadly; it always has been! We are now brainwashed to fear the environment that humans are supposed to be destroying due to using fossil fuels, which is debatable. It is questionable if oil is a fossil fuel considering oil fields have been known to refill and it is believed the earth replenishes itself with oil which is carbon based. The temperature of the earth, due to CO2 is supposed to be on the rise, but real evidence and real science is showing the earth is getting colder, which is part of a natural cycle and nothing to worry about. Regarding CO2, it was warmer when the Romans invaded Britain than now! Maybe that was due to the Romans drinking gassy beer! lol

The climate has been changing since the year dot. There's a huge difference between stopping pollution, real green, which is in everyone's interests and fake green which is in the financial elite's interests. In reality fake green causes more environmental destruction than anything else! Silly windmills that are a wildlife hazard. Ridiculous electric vehicles with lithium batteries that are causing damage to the environment due to massive lithium mines. The list goes on but such stupidity is hidden behind a wall of fear hyped up by skilful propaganda.

Coal and oil powered power stations did pollute but modern technology has made them very clean. There's hardly any, if any, pollution from them nowadays. The technology of a conventional power station is cheap and relatively simple to maintain. Modern technology has also made them much more efficient whereby they burn less fuel. All that technology is due to be binned forever in favour of ridiculous almost laughable means of power generation. The fake green "Renewable" and so-called "Sustainable" power generation using silly windmills etc., creates more hidden pollution in production and hidden environmental impact and doesn't come close to providing modern power requirements.

The environmental hazards of the fake green agenda are now polluting the minds of local politicians who have got on the bandwagon. I recently had a local election leaflet through my letterbox. Probably one of the most terrifying political leaflets I've ever seen! Behind the glossy literature lay the communist agenda that's hidden in plain view for those who can see it but sadly few can see it or want to see it!

Apparently our local political candidate wants the area to be carbon neutral within ten years and to help halt climate change. If confronted with real science that shows the environment continues to go through a natural process and there's nothing to worry about, that candidate would be the laughingstock! I guess the candidate thinks of himself as another King Canute who sat on his throne in front of the sea and ordered the tide not to come in! lol

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