Tuesday 20 May 2014

D-Day 70th Anniversary

Jig section of Gold Beach. 
As the 6th June, 70th anniversary of D-Day approaches the mainstream media will no-doubt churn out the usual regimental extravaganza which continues to be an integral part of the justification industry.
The image makers will, no-doubt, skilfully gloss over facts that can't be hidden and continue to keep quiet about wartime euthanasia and the post-war G.D.P.F.
Sadly such anniversaries are more to do with regimental exhibitionism and Hollywood gloss over than facts. The only way we can fully honour all innocent victims of war is to seek the truth, regardless of how ugly the truth is.
As the number of WWII survivors of the G.D.P.F are now few, their son's and daughters are carrying on the task of revealing this major injustice that has been airbrushed from history.


This year happens to be the 70th anniversary of D-Day on 6th June. The propoghanda of 70 years ago is still believed to this day due to a complient media. Selective amnesia and manipulation of facts continues to give a younger generation a very distorted Hollywood view of what really happened.
My father was in front line Intellegence and was amongst the first assault wave to hit the D-Day beach on Jig section of Gold beach, adjacent to where the fiction film, "Saving Private Ryan" was depcted. Dad's unit often had to go ahead of the front line, behind enemy lines. They got off the beach on D-Day by running across a live mine field!
At the moment I'm working against the clock to make a film about the hidden history of D-Day. I hope to play the film on my soon to start up regular radio programme on my new website (new web address soon to be announced).
Similar to an earlier film, “The War Justification Industry”, it may be called “The D-Day Justification Industry!” It reveals many facts that have been deleberately airbrushed from history.
I wonder if you know an elderly person or relative from the Newcastle area that remembers an event that happened in Newcastle in the latter part of 1944?
My Dad was in the 50th Northumbrian division. They were expected to be totally annihilated on D-Day Most of the men were walking wounded, patched up for the day and others were totally unfit having previously suffered malnutrition during the Siege of Malta. They also had unfit men from other regiments to make the numbers up. It was a cost saving exorcize as the more unfit people that were killed in action the more cost savings could be made in peacetime. It costs little to bury someone compared with the cost of keeping them on welfare after the war. The 50th Northumbrian division were expected to soak up enemy fire so as to allow a foothold for other units.
Cutting a long story short, Dad eventually returned to England suffering from Malaria, severe Shell Shock and a host of other problems. He, along with other survivors were eventually sent to the 50th division's home city, Newcastle.
When the hospital train arrived at the station the men were in for a surprise. There were huge crowds of civilians to meet them, they were being held back by police. The troops were treated like celebrates. As stretchers of wounded men were taken through the crowds, people were
being held back by police. The troops were treated like celebrates. As stretchers of wounded men were taken through the crowds, people were giving the troops their merge rations and children were giving the men their sweets. Dad was amongst the walking wounded who were led by ambulance crew, not to ambulances but limousine cars that were lined up waiting at the station. The cars had priority as they drove to Newcastle Hospital. Once at the hospital the nurses treated the men as if they were VIP's.
Dad was later discharged from the hospital. As he had malaria he was hurridly put on a draft for Burma, one of the most Malarious areas, so as to finish him off. Miracliously he didn't go and survived. Soon after the war Dad, along with countless others, became a victim of the G.D.P.F. (Government Directed Pensions Fraud), but that's another story skillfully airbrushed from history.
Dad always found it hard to hold back the tears when remembering that incredible day in Newcastle. He couldn't thank the people enough for their generosity. I wonder if you know any elderly person that remembers that day?