Thursday 1 April 2021

Political Misdirection!

The moon landings were the most expensive sci-fi films ever made! In my view the fake landings were a diversion to prove American might in the face of military defeat in Vietnam at the time! It's strange the moon landing extravaganza ran out of steam precisely at the same time that America militarily abandoned South Vietnam in the early 1970's. Nowadays the so-called moon landings don't stand up to real scientific scrutiny.  

There are parallels between the current fake-demic fooling so-called "Professionals" and so-called scientists still promulgating the idea that humans landed on the moon. It's the kings new clothes! People go along with the myth, despite counter-evidence, as they fear standing out from the crowd. Being mocked as being a conspiracy nut, a loony etc., are all signs of a cover up as truth does not fear investigation, only lies do!   

Misdirection to move public attention away from failure or an unpleasant political agenda and towards a skilfully concocted lie isn't new!   

A late friend of mine, Robert Newman, studied Mozart. He discovered Mozart was hyped up as a genius when in reality his music was copied and written by other composers! The reason why he was hyped was due to Astro-Hungarian Empire military defeats. The Empire needed a diversion to move public attention away from its military failures and in favour of making it look great! 

In my view the fake moon landings were history repeating itself! Please see "The Mozart Myth" at the bottom of the following page:

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