Tuesday 19 November 2013

The National Service Bill

One More Step Towards Totalitarianism

Early 2014 the National Service Bill is due for a second reading. The Bill, if introduced, will compulsorily force anyone between the ages of 18 to 26 to spend one year away from home doing: charitable work, social action, care for the elderly or disabled, overseas development activity, or work connected with the National Health Service, the emergency services or the Armed Forces.

Anything to do with the establishment psychopaths always has a sting in its tail and this is no exception, it’s the thin edge of the wedge! Its like rat poison, 10% sweetener and 90% lethal. Why should anything be compulsory? 

All dictatorships, our Rothschild financial stranglehold democratic dictatorship is no exception, endeavour to get youngsters away from their parents. This is so they can brainwash them. It’s as old as the hills!

The brutality of 1950's National Service
where young conscripts were treated
like prisoners.
Currently children are being taken away from loving families via closed courts and a financially led adoption system. The National Service Bill is yet one more money making racket for the elite whilst at the same time helping to turn a future generation into obedient slaves. It’s all part of David Cameron’s Soviet style “Big Society.”

The mass media has been eerily silent on the bill, so silent it’s deafening! The bill will probably be rejected but will raise its ugly head again via the back door; that’s what usually happens.

No doubt government agents will bombard local radio and press stating how marvellous the bill is. Exactly as happened when Britain joined the Common Market. People generally don’t think for themselves and follow like sheep and the establishment know it. If you keep telling people a lie long enough they believe it.

Public reaction is monitored and no doubt another National Service Bill will be introduced. Prior to the bill, the mass controlled media will whip up frenzy by reporting almost every robbery and blaming it on youths. The government will then use the hype to slide another National Service bill in to solve a non-existent problem of youths going wild. The government’s excuse will be, “It’s what the public want!” They did similar with firearms and dangerous dogs etc. It’s all contrived!

I believe The National Service Bill is all part of the United Nations Agenda 21. An ongoing agenda in which the plan is to dramatically cut the world population without the masses noticing it. We are all Tax Slaves, giving up over half of our hard earned incomes to the government who in turn give most of it to the elite-banking cartel such as the Rothschild’s. Debt is used to control countries and contrived wars get countries into debt. In reality all countries can print their own debt free currencies, but that doesn’t make the Rothschild’s rich! It’s the biggest scam in history that requires mass ignorance to succeed. Governments are not there for us; their job is to continue the scam under the charade they are democratically elected. If we were a real democracy, governments would have told the Rothschild’s to go to hell long ago.

Our slavery will increase as deliberate unemployment increases. Part of the plan is to make people dependent upon government so the authorities can then dictate to them. Once a National Service bill is pushed through government mass media propaganda will report how successful it is. It will then be extended to the unemployed of all age groups. After that, the next step is work camps – made to look as if it is what the public wants of course!
The current dictatorship is like a mass hypnosis. Sadly people will only wake up when it’s too late.
Chris Powis with his Father David J Powis

Below is a link to a recording of World War Two Veteran David J Powis who was conscripted into the Army in 1939. He went through the full six years of front line hell. 

Following a stroke in 2003 David found it difficult to speak for any length of time. For the first part of the recording David's son Chris speaks on his behalf. 

Friday 8 November 2013

Alternative Remembrance

The War Justification Industry by dm_5096bd8bde1c2
Wars are psychopaths’ playgrounds. Psychos thrive on creating suffering and tension. They can’t live without it hence reason we go from one artificial crisis to another. 

          Very few psychopaths actually kill; only the very lowest levels do. The majority are brilliant manipulators whose ruthlessness has no boundaries. They easily recognise each other and look upon the rest of humanity as dirt beneath them. The royals are a typical example. They interbreed especially to produce psychopaths whose ruthlessness throughout the centuries has
served them well.

         A prime minister has to be a psychopath, no decent honest normal person with a conscience could do the job. Prime Ministers or Monsters not only commit fraud but also treason by increasing taxes to pay their Rothschild masters. They live a continuous lie.
       The banking system is a fraud – countries can print their own debt free currencies. Britain did in 1914 it was called the Bradbury. The banks’ political puppets promptly stopped it. Stopping the Bradbury created an enormous war debt; exactly what the banks wanted. 
       The climate change extravaganza has also been proven to be a tax collecting moneymaking fraud based upon Mickey Mouse science. Real scientists are fearful of speaking out  as they would be publicly humiliated and have their funding stopped. They are financially forced to toe the line.
       It has also been proven that terrorism is state sponsored. Wars and false economic crisis are good for banks; that is why it is in their interests to have them. The survival of these illusions relies upon the ignorance of the masses. A smug controlled media hypnotises the populous into submission. To question the status quo is to be pigeon holed as a Conspiracy Theorist. Psychopaths are obsessed with mental illness and use the threat of being labeled "Insane" to maintain control.

If humanity has any chance of survival it’s essential to realise psychopath bankers whose puppets are the egotistical psychopath political leaders, rule us.  We are given the illusion of democracy when in reality it’s nothing more than exchanging one psycho illusionist puppet with another. The system is geared towards the most ruthless succeeding and/or those with a hidden past that can be easily blackmailed.

       Psychopaths do not have a conscience; the majority have strange sexual habits and are bi-sexual. Hence reason for their obsession with sex education in schools and graphic sex and violence in the media.
         The House of Commons is more like a freak show than a place where they should be working for and on behalf of the populous. The constant monitoring of the population via endless forms and security cameras is designed to create suspicion. Distrust is all part of the psychopaths method of control. They are also intrigued with our behaviour; they look upon us as laboratory animals.  They are unable to have the same emotions as us and simply cannot understand love and compassion. They act as if they have emotions, they are brilliant at it, but they tend to over act. 

Stalin was responsible for the deaths of between
60 to 100 million. The general public were so
brainwashed by propaganda they were unable
to believe it. We see similar
brainwashing today. Britain is heading towards
a police state. The evidence is staring us in the face but the majority of people can't see it. 
       Psychopaths believe they are superior to humanity.  That smugness permeates down through the mass media. It’s intoxicating and appears to infect most of society. Psychopaths are able to infect the minds of the masses. That is how Stalin managed to murder between 60 to100 million people. Stalin used neuro linguistic programming to get non-psychos to kill.

       There may be a few good MP’s but I have yet to find one. If they don't know about the financial fraud, they shouldn't be an MP. If they do know about the fraud, they should be put on trial for Treason! Most MP's sniff the air and get on a bandwagon. They give the impression of wholeheartedly supporting a cause. Then, without a hint of conscience, most will drop whatever they were supporting and get onto another bandwagon simply to fuel their ego. Charity is a perfect cover for their evilness - where there's a major charity, there's a psychopath!
       In order to identify the psychopaths it’s essential we don’t start a witch-hunt.  We need a system whereby the psychopath is isolated. That can only be achieved by education and making people aware of what is really ruling us. As said earlier, the monsters in power are really selected via a banking dictatorship that goes under the illusion of democracy.  If we had a real democracy, we would have our own debt free currency in circulation. Inflation and poverty would be confined to the history books. Above all, there would be no need for war. That may sound idyllic but once we have thrown off the shackles of several millennia of psychopath rule, we would discover real freedom and individuality.

       At the moment society is like an abused puppy that has been continuously kicked and tortured. The emotional scars are deep and emerging from the current psycho hellhole will take several generations to recover.
       Ruling psychopaths biggest fear is a mass awakening, hence they are doing everything in their power to prevent it. They are endeavouring to destroy the truth movement from within. Heightening world tension keeps people in fear. Collapsing economies and creating shortages also keeps the populous in line. In reality there is no shortage of food, again it’s stage-managed. 
          If people really knew the truth, lynch mobs would storm Westminster! The powers that be are fully aware of this. That is why they are so neurotic about security with armed 
Civilian unrest after World War One was censored by
the press. People were aware they had been duped
and were extremely angry. Fearing an armed revolt the
Government rushed through the 1920 Firearms Act. Prior
to the act, guns could be purchased with ease. Militant
veterans' organizations were infiltrated by agitators and
destroyed from within, in much the same way as the
truth movement is being destroyed today.

police protecting them and a myriad of underground escape routes. I sincerely hope there is NEVER mob rule and would like to see those in the House of Commons peaceably rounded up and put on trial under the 1848 Treason and Sedition Act. I Don't believe in capitol punishment as it's not only barbaric but also pointless when dealing with psychos. If alleged War Criminal Tony Blair were put on trial tomorrow, if convicted he would go to the gallows convinced he was innocent. Psychopaths believe their own lies and reinvent themselves. A far better way would be to place them on an island to live out their lives away from the rest of humanity. It should be remembered it would take a psycho to hang a psycho! People with a conscience couldn't do it!
       It's doubtful though the current Westminster criminals would ever be caught. They would simply vanish. Psychopath Churchill had an escape route worked out and

 Warmonger Churchill openly admitted he loved conflict. Far from Britain's savior, the real facts behind this monster paint a very different picture to that portrayed by the mass media.  
 would have escaped to Canada, his hideaway is now a tourist attraction. No doubt traitors Blair, Cameron, Clegg and the rest of the rotten core have a similar escape plan. 
       During this time of remembrance let's reflect upon who the real enemy is. Not ordinary folk in foreign lands, but home grown psychopaths. Until people throughout the world wake up to that fact, I see very little future for humanity.

       I am currently writing a book about Psychopaths based upon personal experience of encountering them and many years of research. It should be complete just before or after Christmas.