Thursday, 19 July 2012

Media Manipulation

The mainstream media is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the government gangsters and their puppeteers that financially enslave us. Mainstream medias' job has always been to keep the populous in ignorance of the usury scam. Tune into the BBC or ITV and you will be presented with political drivel that's nothing more than a Punch and Judy show thats designed to give the impression of democracy, that in reality isn't. If we truly had freedom we would see the buffoons that are supposed to be running this country in handcuffs, in court, charged with treason and crimes against humanity. Along with them would be corrupt Senior Civil Servants, corrupt Judges and the entire criminal elite that have not only been living off the lucrative gravy train but have been instrumental in turning this country into a police state.

With the exception of a few truly independent media outlets that have, over the years, endeavored to promulgate the truth, the masses have always been brainwashed by the hidden elites' illusionist act. "Charity" is the latest scam, where major so called charitable organizations are, in reality I believe, propaganda agencies whose real purpose is to further deceive people by pushing through the elites' agenda in a cuddly, fluffy, smiley smiley way. If truly independent media outlets have ever posed a threat to the hidden agenda they were either infiltrated, taken over, or put out of business. Many major "Charities" have also been subjected to such manipulation. A typical example was the creation of the British Legion in 1921. Militant World War One Veterans' associations were springing up throughout Britain, posing a threat to the ruling minority. They were promptly infiltrated and pacified then merged into the alleged government run British Legion whose real purpose, I believe, was to steer the masses away from the truth, whilst giving the impression they were a voice for the veterans. A brilliant example of mass manipulation. Nowadays truly independent media is even more in the minority than it ever was. The first Director General of the BBC was Lord Reith. Prior to being put into that position in 1927 he was the Governments' propaganda writer during the 1926 General Strike; need I say more!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

State Kidnapping of the Elderly.

There is much talk on the alternative news media about the state stealing of children but little, if any, about the state stealing of the elderly. Here at a steady stream of reports are coming in where carers are being deliberately separated from their loved ones.

Spurious unsubstantiated excuses are given by the authorities to forcibly place the disabled elderly victim into a care home. A member of the team is currently looking into the deliberate splitting up of an elderly married couple, by the authorities, when one of them became disabled.

Apparently the authorities are now forcing carers to attend courses to see if they are competent enough to care for their disabled relatives. The state is intruding more and more into our private lives. I’m currently looking at a case where a disabled elderly lady was forcibly placed in an old folks’ home. The authorities refuse to give a reason to her loving daughter who was her full time carer. The mother doesn’t want to be in the care home and the daughter doesn’t want her to be there. It’s causing enormous distress and heartbreak.

Whenever the establishment start making up the rules, follow the money trail and you eventually find the answer. Similar to the adoption racket where children are forcibly taken away from responsible caring and loving parents, it’s to do with money. Once a person is admitted to a care home it appears near impossible to get them out. That is unless the carer has a lot of money and can afford the extortionate private fees and therefore has choice whether they stay there or not.

Care homes make a lot of money and the last thing they want to do is loose their profit making assets ie the people they are supposed to "Care" for. Hence the reason the establishment appears to be kidnapping the frail and elderly. Muddled in with this enterprise are the Westminster government gangsters. So called independent newspapers, relevant charities and so called "Independent" ombudsmen are, I believe, nothing of the sort. It is my belief they are part of the big consortium whose job it is to gloss over the real issues and fob the public off in order to cover up the real agenda. The goal of the global elite is a police state. Along the way it involves massive population reduction so as to enable the chosen few to ultimately live in the lap of luxury whilst being waited on by slaves that don't realize they are slaves. Part of the plan is to get rid of the elderly, the frail and weak whilst extracting as much money from them as possible. Stalin called the elderly “Useless Eaters.” It is obvious to me the current ruling elite are of the same mindset.

There are some well meaning people left in the NHS and SS (Social Services), but they appear to be getting squeezed out or have had their minds altered by the numerous NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) courses they are forced to attend.

Research into this matter is ongoing but we appear to have uncovered yet another example of the police state we now live in. What we have discovered so far appears to be the tip of the iceberg. The former Soviet Union KGB’s subversion plan continues to work like clockwork. Kidnapping elderly disabled people appears to be yet one more piece of the jigsaw that gives us a clearer picture of what the hidden agenda and ruling elite have in store for us. They have stolen our material assets; in reality we don’t own anything. Now they are going for our loved ones.

What I have said may sound like some madcap conspiracy theory until looking into the facts. The data coming in cannot be ignored and appears to be widespread. It is the thin edge of the wedge. They are kidnapping our children and kidnapping the frail and elderly. The next stage is them coming for us. I don’t want to sound neurotic but I wonder how many people that question the establishment will be forcibly locked away, in a privately owned profit making prison / mental institution, without any official explanation. I’m beginning to see this happen. The arrest and imprisonment of Robert Green, now released, and Roger Hayes are typical examples. The silence in the mainstream media regarding those cases is deafening.

What happened in the former Communist Soviet Union and East Germany is happening here in Great Britain today. The only difference is today’s generation of psychopaths have learnt from a previous generation of psychopaths how to do it more efficiently without hardly anyone noticing. The populous are now too distracted with doom and gloom regarding the economy and illegal overseas wars to worry about the erosion of their liberties. Unemployment and state sponsored terrorism is used to create fear and suspicion, the magic ingredients for all totalitarian societies. Distractions such as reality TV (usually far from reality), soap opera pap and the constant promotion of homosexuality are designed to work on the viewers’ subconscious. The fact that we are being robbed by a fraudulent usury system that is reliant upon ignorance of the masses to survive is hidden behind a façade of contrived political drivel. Politically correct talent less unfunny comedy and disinformation about so called climate change are all part of the cultural cess pit that’s supposed to entertain and inform. The latest television distraction is the satanic rituals otherwise known as the Olympics.

The constant stream of mindless bovine excrement is designed to manipulate and socially engineer the unsuspecting public. Propaganda is now so efficient that people refuse to believe what’s really going on, even though the evidence is directly in front of them. It will only occur to them that something is wrong when the establishment jackboot is firmly pressing down upon their face. The majority of humans only wake up to what’s really happening when it is physically proven to them, by which time it’s too late. History proves this and will continue to do so unless we wise up to the mindset of the psychopath. Refusing to go along with their controlled media and starting to think for ourselves is what they fear the most. It’s starting to happen. For the sake of humanity and future generations let’s hope the psychopaths’ empire collapses like a house of cards.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Sports Illusion

There are many human activities that I fail to understand. One such example is sport. To me it’s a lot of effort to accomplish a meaningless task. I’m not competitive. From the moment I started school I had sport rammed down my throat. It was the bane of my schooldays. I come from a practical non-sporty family. Whereas most young children kick a ball around and play games, my preference was always to be creative. I’m not against anyone that likes sport, neither am I knocking sports-people; I'm simply giving a voice to those of us that detest sport. I also believe sport has been corrupted and over the years has become an integral part of the former KGB's sedition plan. Destroying the family unit, making females masculine and males feminine along with creating and manipulating a tribal mentality is all part of the schedule that's led us to a Police state. Pacifying the  masses and diverting their attention away from the real agenda by filling their minds with pap and non-news continues to work like clockwork. I believe the effects of sedition have been eating away at society probably since the 1920's but rapidly accelerated in the early 1960's. When thinking back to my unhappy schooldays, at the time I knew something was rotten with the system, but was unable to fathom it out. 
My first day at school was like being thrown to the lions; I was terrified and detested it. In fact my dislike of school carried on until the day I left. In my schooldays sport was compulsory. I can’t kick nor throw a ball and couldn’t give a dam about winning. If someone wants to win, let them, was my philosophy. I would rather be doing something useful. My school was a bullies training ground. The headmaster seemed more interested in the amount of sports trophies decorating his office than education! A pupil that had no interest or inclination towards sport was a freak, a non-person; a total outcast whose only purpose was to be humiliated. Not only did the sports masters take great delight in belittling me, but they encouraged the bullies as well and turned a blind eye to the ferocity of their behavior. I wasn't the only one, many others received the same onslaught. I looked sporty and had the physique of a runner, but my mind was a sports free zone. Those of us that looked sporty but had no interest in sport suffered worse bullying than fat children. I remember the sports master saying to me, “All boys like football, why don’t you?” He wanted to isolate me in order to make me fall into line. In fact I wasn't the only one that detested football.
Sport was like a cult and rite of passage all mixed into one. Any male that didn’t follow the masculine cult was often looked upon as being effeminate. I say “masculine” cult but in reality it was the establishments’ perverse view of what masculine was, based upon their sick minds. I couldn’t and still can’t understand why, in a game of football, grown men wearing schoolboy shorts hug each other when they score a goal. After the game they all jump into a communal bath together! To me it looks more like a form of homosexuality than sport. Why anyone would want to jump into a bath with their own sex is beyond me. I went to an ordinary mixed school but sport was strictly segregated. Girls did hockey in the winter and tennis in the summer. Boys did rugby in the winter and football and cricket in the summer. There was no choice you had to do it whether you liked it or not. The education system could not get it into their thick skulls that not everyone is a sports enthusiast. Such was the obsession with sports in the education system it reverberated throughout my entire miserable schooldays.

The smell of my school changing rooms had a unique odour all of its own. It stunk of stale greens, stale farts, vomit and sweaty armpits with a hint of soiled nappy! For some unknown reason the sports masters were obsessed with underpants. We were not allowed to wear them under our flimsy shorts when playing sports. Wearing underpants was a punishable offense. In the winter months we had compulsory hypothermia otherwise known as rugby! Rain, sleet, snow, it made no difference, we still had to play rugby, dressed only in flimsy shorts, a tee shirt and football
boots. I’ve never felt so cold. Meanwhile the sports masters were dressed like Eskimos. I said “play” rugby; the sports enthusiasts did, whilst I endeavoured to run in the opposite direction of the ball. When the rugby humiliation period ended and we returned to the changing rooms we were ordered to strip off and run through the showers with the other boys. I hated it as I, along with many others, were brought up with Victorian self respect. Undressing in front of people was considered rude, unthinkable and indecent. The sports teachers delighted in watching us disrobe. We then had to run through the shower as fast as possible. There was no time to wash. The sports master stood at the end of the shower block and whacked us on the backside with a table tennis bat if he considered we had not run fast enough. Weird eh! In summer we played football or cricket, another mind numbing waste of time. The advantage of cricket was we didn’t have to change into sports gear and we didn’t have to go through the awful shower routine. The disadvantage was I can’t catch a ball, having complete lack of coordination and can’t throw a ball either. My Dad had a similar problem during World War Two when he had to throw hand grenades. Sporty people had practiced throwing things when young but non-sporty people don’t have that practice. Such was the sporting hell that I went through that upon leaving school I vouched to never go near a sports field or have anything to do with sport again. To this day I avoid sports fields and sporting events like the plague! Soon after leaving school I remember looking at my sports shirt and noticing that even though it was spotlessly clean the back of it was brittle due to the amount of chewing gum mixed with saliva that was spat at me by the sports bullies. For about twenty years or so after leaving school, if a rugby match came on television it would make me feel physically sick. Mind you, in my house sport wouldn’t be on television for long, it was always promptly turned off. None of my family had the slightest bit of interest in sport. We simply didn’t understand the sport mentality although we were far from couch potatoes. We were always busy, never idle.

At school I did have one advantage over the sports bullies. Because my father was once a toolmaker and my grandfather was a scientific instrument maker, working with wood and metal came naturally to me. I couldn’t understand why some boys had to be taught how to use tools. Because of my background only I and another boy were considered competent enough to use the lathe. Again it came natural to me. I remember one of the sports bullies couldn’t use the saw to cut a straight line. I didn’t need a guide and could saw straight by eye. The metalwork teacher asked me to assist the sports bully as he was busy helping another pupil. I smugly strolled over to the bully and with a big grin on my face sawed through the piece of metal with ease. I even used the file to smooth off the burred edges that he had made when trying to start the saw. That was my moment of glory. I walked away from his bench, still grinning from ear to ear. People often think that a person that doesn’t do sport is unfit and obese. It’s a complete myth. My father also had no interest in sport but, like me, looked sporty and was not overweight. DIY and being a practical person can often take a lot more energy and sometimes requires more strength than any sports training can give.

I’m extremely proud of my total ignorance of sport, especially football. I have difficulty naming more than three footballers. Now from memory there's Bobby Charlton, that Irish bloke who drunk a lot whose name escapes me and Beckham, the footballer with awful haircuts that dresses like a nancy boy going to a party! Up until the mid nineteenth century, only children played sports. Adults didn’t. That time was probably one of the most creative periods in British history. More inventions and patents were submitted than at almost any other time. Doesn’t that tell us something?

Over the years I’ve come to realise sport has and continues to be used for mass manipulation. A neighbour is a football enthusiast. At one time he was a referee and I think he refereed some top matches. I know he rubbed shoulders with some very famous footballers and managers. He told me that in the early 1960's when a neighboring team came to play the brochure would say, "We welcome our neghbours and friends." By the late 1960's that had changed to "We do battle with our bitter rivals." He said in the early 1960's there was never any violence or trouble. Opposing supporters were politely welcomed and everyone enjoyed watching the football match. By the late 1960's that had completely changed to a violent onslaught. There isn't a doubt in my mind that such a change is deliberate social manipulation.

  At school, I believe sport was used to install the warrior mentality. After all team sport is a substitute for war. In the 1970’s people would often watch a fight and a football match would break out! At my school sport was used to erode individuality and put people into pigeon holes. A non competitor was a failure. We were forced to be part of the group, we were forced to be competitive, we were brainwashed with the “Must Win” mentality. The obsession with being part of the team was meant to turn us into mindless zombies. Only the bullies would rise above to become leaders. Above all, instead of being an outlet for aggression, I believe, it created aggression. My team is better than your team. Looking back, I have now come to realise it was a psychopaths selection process. Individual sports such a athletics is still enveloped in the group mentality. I've noticed they are all part of Team UK. At school, athletics was part of the group as those good enough represented the school. This begs the question, "What is the team really representing?" I think it was to install the constant striving for success and creating icons that we should all look up to. Again, it's social manipulation.
Nowadays, what passes as BBC news is often taken up with sport. Sport isn’t news. As said earlier, mindless pap diverts attention away from the real agenda. I’m sick of hearing about
the Olympic torch. The news is obsessed with it. Why on earth do people go out of their way to see some bozo running through the streets holding a giant cigarette lighter? If the Olympic torch came down the lane where I live, I wouldn’t even bother to look around to see it. The Olympic hype seems to be aimed at our subconscious. At the local filling station there are Tibetan type flags with pictures of athletes with expressions on their faces as if they have diarrhoea coming on and are just a bit too far from the nearest toilet!

The Olympic white water rafting centre has been built in a location not too far from where I live. It’s a fair distance from London, so I’m mystified why they call it the London Olympics, or to be totally correct, the London Zion Olympics. The white water rafting complex is a white elephant. No doubt soon after the Olympics hype has settled down it will be bulldozed flat. Making way for an industrial and/or housing development, whilst probably making a handful of ex-MP’s a tidy sum due to their inside knowledge! Meanwhile, during this run up to this Zion Olympic event, complete with its one eye illuminate symbolism, the borough is festooned with billboards showing people on a giant condom going down what looks like a large concrete sewage outfall! There’s union jack bunting everywhere. Even the local free newspaper is obsessed with it. A few weeks ago, the picture of the people on the giant condom was on the inside page of the free newspaper, it carried the caption “Teamwork.” This week the giant condom featured again. It had someone holding the giant cigarette lighter, seated in the middle of the condom, whilst a bunch of people  sat around the man with the cigarette lighter trying to maneuver the condom down the giant sewage outfall!  Psychopaths are obsessed with people being part of the “Team.” It enables them to control us. Looking back at my schooldays I now realise it was nothing more than brainwashing. Getting us to believe we either had to be part of the team or control it. It’s nothing more than the psychopaths’ agenda. Regarding my dislike of sport, there is one exception. Recently I’ve taken a liking to ladies nude beach volleyball. Haven’t the foggiest idea what the game is about, but I’m a keen spectator!  I’m joking!