The UK, America and most western nations are being
deliberately destroyed from within. It is all part of United Nations Agenda 21.
The aim is to destroy small business and make as many people dependent upon the
State as possible. Next they aim to destroy culture via mass immigration. Empty
the countryside and make huge overcrowded cities whereby everyone is forced to
share their home with strangers. Bedroom tax is the start; there are plans to
extend it to private homes via Council Tax.
That's how Stalin did it and that is how it will happen again, we are following an almost identical path. It should be remembered Stalin was responsible for the deaths of between 60 to 100 million people. It should also be remembered that Stalin's evil empire was financed by American banks!
Yuri Brezmenov ex KGB subversion expert that
defected to the west in 1970, did a series of lectures in the early 1980's.
They are on YouTube. What he said then about what will happen is terrifyingly
Because the Berlin Wall came down it didn't
mean the end of Communism. It simply evolved into Communitarianism.
What we see today is nearing the completion of
the Frankfurt School's work that was started in the 1930's. Their first
objective was to infiltrate universities. The woolly headed psycho mentality of
the MP's we have today is a direct result of that infiltration. As Yuri
Brezmenov said "We are stuck with them!" Political correctness and
over the top health and safety laws along with loony art and explicit sex and
violence in the media are also the work of the Communist Frankfurt School that
was financed by Stalin.
When Hitler got to power and booted them out,
the Frankfurt school split. Part of it went to the former USSR and the other
part went to America where it was able to more thoroughly subvert American
Universities. Rather like a virus the infiltration spread throughout the west,
except wartime Germany.
Post war we have seen three of the four stages
of subversion unfold before our eyes but few people can see it! The first stage
is "Anything goes!" Free love, open sex and the complete decline of
moral standards (1960's). Destruction of the family unit is essential.
Nowadays, over half the population of children in this country now come from a
single parent family. The state’s aim is to indoctrinate the children. The
National Service bill which is due for a second reading in February will, if
passed, make it compulsory for everyone between the ages of 18 to 26 to spend
one year away from their parental home, no doubt for indoctrination.
The next stage is "Demoralization."
It started in the 1970's and continues to this day. The destruction of
industry, mass unemployment, mass immigration to destroy the indigenous culture
and create tension, and of course a housing shortage whereby few people are
able to afford a house. Overcrowding and rampant inflation is a key element.
It's essential to create food shortages and make fuel so expensive only the
rich few can afford to travel.
The third stage is "Crisis." We are
almost at that stage. The current situation will reach boiling point with riots
on the streets. That is what the real rulers want. Their puppet politicians are
known as “Useful Idiots” and are deliberately creating policies to fuel a
future scenario.

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