The pattern appears to be the same – recession, war, mini boom, recession and so on – it has been like that since the founding of the Bank of England in 1694. There is always a deep recession before a major war; the banks claw in the money to pay for the forthcoming conflict.
Human suffering gives psychopaths a high, in much the same way as the current artificial recession gives David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Tony Blair and the rest of their freak show sadistic pleasure. I believe allegedly that when Secretary of State, Eric Pickles, sees that peoples lives will be blighted and communities totally destroyed by him giving the go ahead for rampant building on Britain's beautiful countryside, he probably creams his trousers with excitement! The destructive power of psychopaths, due to their egos and constant pursuit of causing human misery is a fact the majority of the population are unaware of. This is because psychopaths are such skillful manipulators. They look upon the rest of the population as dumb for not realizing what they are up to. They send people to their deaths in wars without a hint of conscience; Tony Blair and David Cameron are typical examples. They act as if they are troubled and concerned but in reality no normal human being could live with their conscience if they were responsible for the amount of deaths of innocent people those prime ministers are responsible for. No normal human being could also live with their conscience if they knew the economic situation is false and relies upon constant lies, by the controlled media, to survive. Printing our own debt free currency would solve the current financial crisis overnight. Some politicians are aware of this but keep quiet and toe the line as it's a well paid job with many perks, especially in a safe seat! Many are unaware of it and would dismiss it as they are so brainwashed by the system.
The biggest secret surrounding World War Two is the conflict was about finances and was fought for and on behalf of the criminal money lenders! We are led to believe the war was about world domination by a crazy dictator. It is yet one more distraction put about by the secret services to prevent people getting too close to the truth. I'm totally against all forms of totalitarianism and believe in individual freedom. The only way we can have true freedom is via truth, not official lies. Whenever the question of World War Two finances arises, it is covered by a shroud of lies and pushed to the back. Wall street financed both Stalin and Hitler until Hitler told Wall Street to go to hell and did what Abraham Lincoln did, printed debt free currency! The Banks could not allow him to get away with it, hence reason Britain declared war on Germany, using the invasion of Poland as an excuse. The fact the Soviet Union had a pact with Germany and planned to invade Poland on exactly the same day, 3rd September 1939, is deliberately ignored by the war justification industry. Wars are fought by forgotten heroes for lost causes. The constant cycle of conflict will continue until humanity wakes up and sees through official lies and realizes who the real enemy is - psychopath banks and their puppet governments. It's time they face justice and if found guilty are safely locked away from the rest of us. The current system attracts psychopaths like bees around a honey pot, in fact it positively encourages them! We need to have a fully democratic system that would NOT tolerate the psychopath mindset of hate, greed, injustice and human suffering. A system that's based upon fairness, love and above all consideration for fellow humans is long overdue.